birds, video kunst art                             


prints-drucke- . aquarelle- carlo haebe     esel       catfish2      catfish        genau .    monday ,   esel2     right time    

 es6     esel5   moto    weibw                       akt in gelb

lamp 50 x 70 cm in frame  music from the bathroom  music from the kittchen   design poster, wall lamp, or standing lamp, wandleuchte ,stehlampe.

             lamp design   car art  auto bild2  als poster oder lampe,  oder original oil painting  .                                          doggy love


maedchen mit hund, little dog girl.   kulizeichnung,ballpointpen,red and blue.  pineapple. soft or strong colours.for lamp? milde, sanfter contrast?  i love my dog.

oil  weissheitpu  lamp design   lamp pu2  lamp aquarell,   

 watch the video  bani super directly rather fairly


  3 2  1  fish pavadee   delphine   nofish    esel    es 2    es3     es4    es6 

 pavadee and carlo haebe , private art and music galaxy, germany. promotion 1  elephant  

 value art for all - private and work.  enjoy music from achim cramer and carlo haebe  verbotene liebe cd twixxy.

 including  song:  dr.kohl and mister hide . bankenkrise. inhalt 5    inh7  oil paint car    vw    glueck   volkswagen  esel 7    sister   fan   so    zahlen    bibel   aktgelb    steffi    nussernte

two guitars druck, linol schnitt, print. limited. verschiedene farben ,  many colours . 50 x 70 cm    


karmann ghia. aquarell,puuki,smile.landesvater . fussball druck, hand coloured  esel 18   druck- print inh.7    kopfhoch.   pineapple    dance    dance 4    catfish   hochzeit   fun   solarenergy  

  sunlightkiss    solar   salsa   catfish 4   esel 4     berlin 4    vogelfrau    index   auto     weibwein  

ananas     so deep in love     right time   inhalt 6   wundervoll

  aquarell       l      druck,  print  

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