- big money and a good heart , 15 x 20 cm. 8 - cat and guitar ,art for studio music. 10 x 15 cm. 9 - young girl carneval , rhine river fun . 10 art portrait of kate hudson, shock frozen , joke. 11 string instruments art music studio,. sport,pilz and rabbit. 13- biathlon, germany topstar, art portrait of magdalena neuner. 14- art portrait of james steward. 15 18 bild unten mit kim fischer. 40 x 50 cm. bleistiftzeichnung. 18
20 20. die nanny , miss fine 21 . mixer nahrungsmittel und inhaltsstoffe, 10 x 12 cm,kuli. 22- lucky dreams and love good , 10 x 10 cm. ,kuli. 23- cake, 10 x 10 cm kuli auf papier. portrait of heinz schubert, alfred tezlaf, 20 x 30 cm. der sylvesterpunsch. 25- dieter wedel. 26- lucky luke 10 x 8 cm , pencil. 27 the rabbit habit. art portrait of the osterhase. happy eastern. 28 . . . 10 x 12 cm head cat figure, man body relax 10 x 15 cm king heart body jump 31
34 .. the eye of heidi klumm , 10 x 15 cm. lucky luke, music art studio. 36- sfumato, mother and baby - jesus christ- ,raphael . 37 - bewitched , art portrait of nicole kidman. 38 art portrait of max rabe und sein palast orchester. 39- happy birthday- frohe ostern. 10 x 15 cm. 40- art portrait of onkel otto, hessischer rundfunk, ard. 41- art calender 2011 , 23-22-october. 42 water colour, ,.lese zeichen von carlo haebe , bookmark inhalt-content contact info . vorher profile3 profile 4 content 2011 solarworld art gallery artwork painting . thank you. danke schoen. cclick on carlo haebe and you will see 1 oil painting 100 x 80 cm schwarzrotlila. |